Our Church

Shalom Christian Fellowship began as a small malayalam prayer group in 2009. We are meeting at believer’s house in Northampton every saturday evening for prayer. We are conducting regular Sunday school and Sunday worship service between 9 am to 1 pm. Here we gather to sing, pray and worship God in the name of Jesus Christ and in the presence of Holy spirit.

What we believe

  • We believe Bible is the Word of God. It is total truth and provides us with principles for every area of life.
  • We believe in One True God. We believe He is alive and wants to have a personal relationship with us. He co-exists in three Persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe that Jesus is the Son of God. He was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life. While He lived on earth He performed supernatural miracles. He died to take away the sins of the world. He was crucified on a cross, buried in a tomb, was resurrected from the dead and He ascended into heaven. We believe He will return to earth a second time in the future.
  • We believe man has sinned against God. Adam and Eve were the first humans and were created pure but wilfully broke God’s laws. As a result all of us have sinned and need forgiveness.
  • We believe there is salvation only through faith in Jesus Christ. He died on the cross that our sins may be forgiven. He was buried and after three days He was raised from the dead. Sin and death could not defeat Him.
  • We believe you must be born again to go to heaven. When you put your trust in Jesus and believe in what He did for you, the Holy Spirit changes you on the inside.
  • We believe in water baptism, not by sprinkling water on your head but by being fully immersed in water. In this way we follow Jesus’ example
  • We believe in the Holy Spirit baptism. The evidence of the Holy Spirit baptism is the supernatural ability to speak in tongues – a heavenly language that can’t be learnt.
  • We believe the Holy Spirit gives us special gifts. He empowers us and gives us the ability to do what Jesus did here on earth.
  • We believe we should live holy lives. Through obedience to the principles and teachings in the Bible we can live lives that please God.
  • We believe in supernatural healing. We pray for the sick because we believe God still works miracles today.
  • We believe that everyone who has become a Christian should remember Him by regularly participating in communion.
  • We believe in eternal life and judgement. Those who have committed their lives to following Jesus will spend eternity with Him in heaven. However those who have not will be punished for their sins.
  • The facts of Christian Fellowship – Christian Companionship

Christian fellowship occurs when two or more Christians are in one another’s friendship. The fellowship as “friendly association with others, companionship.” Christian fellowship, then, involves friendly association with other Christians. It means we choose Christians to be our companions. Christian Fellowship – What does it mean for us?
Christian fellowship begins through a process of adoption. Are you a Christian today? If you are, you have been adopted by God. You may have heard it said that we are all God’s children, but the truth is, we don’t become God’s children until we are adopted, through faith in Christ. “He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will”. (Ephesians 1:5)
If we were all God’s children by virtue of being His creation, then adoption wouldn’t be necessary. Why would God choose adoption if we were already His children? Because God longs to have you as His child, He sacrificed Himself, in the person of Jesus Christ, on the cross in order to purchase your salvation.
So if you’ve received Christ as your personal Savior and Lord, congratulations! You are now a member of God’s family.